Sunday, November 22, 2009

December Service Project

The December Service Project lighting the luminarias is on December 12.  Help is needed from 4-6 from 6-8 and from 8-finish.

Email me with questions and to register your team!!

Scout On!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Few things excite young men more than starting a fire.  Keep them away from the gas and lighter, by showing them how to start a fire the primitive way.  Scouts can't resist a challenge, and they love making a fire.

Here is a website selling various primitive fire starting methods, including the fire piston.  Each one of these methods can be achieved with material found in Arizona, either at Home Depot or in the woods/desert.

Google search on making fire pistons.
Google search on bow fires.

Email me if you have questions or want some advice on doing it.  We all saw at the wilderness challenge that they mastered the flint and steel. 

If you would like to buy a flint and steel set, feel free to send me an email.  I bought some in bulk to get good pricing and save on shipping.

Scout On!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mountain Man Stuff

Email me if you are looking for mountain man stuff.  I will be putting in orders over the next few weeks for some cool stuff.

Scout On!


The Wilderness Challenge was great!  Thanks to all the dedicated leaders that brought their teams and staffed the events.  Over 300 scouters participated and staffed the event. 

Pictures are here.  Please send your best pictures to me.

Scout On!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tour Permits -- Get them DONE!

Here is the link for online tour permits:

Here is the link to the paper copy:

Here is the district's number to call for info on submitting the tour permit!

(602) 955-7747

Scout On!